Ministries >

Homeless Outreach

Minister: Bro. John Rozear

Currently we are collecting items to place into string nylon sacks to provide to those who are homeless and in need of essential items. The goal is to give hope to those who may feel that they have no hope and feel alone. However we know that they are not alone and that God has never left them not for one minute. We pray that this project will inspire those to get back on their feet and establish themselves to make a difference and spread the gospel to those around them. If you would like to help in any way there is a list of items shown that can be found at any Dollar Tree, Wal-mart, Amazon, Etc. which are included in each bag. There are still some bags with list provided at the church or you're welcome to purchase your own bag(s) or a backpack and fill it with the items listed (or more). Once filled bring the bag and we will distribute these to those in need. Please see Bro. Matt Miller if any questions with this ministry. If you'd like to contribute financially you can do so through website (Link on our Homepage) Thank You for all you can do!